Thursday, January 1, 2015


Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." --I Corinthians 5:17

I made one New Year resolution, and that was to live in the present.

That IS to live in the present?

There are regrets--dwelling on them causes sorrow, anxiety, hopelessness. The future is uncertain so the potential for worry nears the surface in a race against doubt and fear.

This is what I have--I am making choices now. I'm choosing to reconsider my thoughts and produce action in this moment. This moment will be past. This moment will be forgotten more than likely. I have learned from the past and I've established goals. I am ready to just do.

I looked at my empty bowl of chili and found myself scooping up the remainder of the pot for seconds. I've eaten enough food in the past to know that eating seconds can lead to weight gain. If I wait, I may not be hungry after the first round settles.

In that moment I had more, I wanted more, and I could have more.

I put the remainder of the batch in a plastic container and I sat down to write this blog. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life making up for what I chose to do in the moment.

I'm thankful I had the money, time, and energy to make that chili. I enjoyed it, I gave thanks for it. I'm still hungry. And I can accept and I will accept it.

We fool ourselves planning for what we will do every day. I will just do.

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